In a Vase on Monday – It’s a Wrap

The Bromeliad leaf from last week’s vase was perfectly curled for another go; so I wrapped this Monday’s offering. My original idea was to find enough ‘daisies’ to fill the vase. Of course, I got distracted along the way and came up with this. I love peachy colors with chartreuse and purple. There is something sort of Fred Flintstone rustic about this vase.

Here is the Bromeliad the leaf came from – a Lemon Blanchetiana Aechmea. I moved it during the winter as it was taking over a corner of my front garden. It is now part of my ‘under construction’ garbage can garden. I am relocating extra plants to soften the necessities area. Ha, way too much design talk..

Here is a closer view of the vase.

The purple cuttings are from Setcreasea (Setcresea pallida) or Purple Queen. These just pop up in my garden for some reason, so I move them around. A good and tough bit of color. The Asparagus fern is another volunteer I cut for flower arrangements.

The ‘ daisies’ are a couple of different things. The solid yellow flowers are daisies – Beach Daisies (Helianthus debilis); in red and yellow, Gallardias (Gallardia pulchella); white flowers are Spanish Needles (Bidens alba); and last but not least, the mixed colors are Zinnias, some variety of Profusion, my favorite summer annual.

That’s a wrap for this Monday’s vase. Happy Gardening and Thank You to Cathy at for hosting this weekly blogging event. Visit her blog to view more vases.

27 comments on “In a Vase on Monday – It’s a Wrap

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    The Purple Queen looks like seabirds taking flight! Nice combo of colors and textures, and I like the repurposed leaf, it works to neutralize the brighter colors.
    Have a good week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very pretty. How big is that Bromeliad leaf?


  3. Cathy says:

    Ha! Yes, I can visualise Fred Flinstone! The shade of green of the wrapping leaf is brilliant to set off the contents and the Setcreasea is an amazing addition… what an asset to have popping up in your garden. Lovely Amy!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. krispeterson100 says:

    Garbage can garden?! The Purple Queen is a nice addition, adding a sense of movement to your arrangement. I tried growing purple heart here but it never thrived for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. pbmgarden says:

    Having trouble making the F. Flintstone connection but I enjoy the reference. Lovely collection of blooms and the bromeliad leaf works well, especially with that container. I haven’t noticed my Setcreasea this year. Hmm…must look for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It took me a sec to get what was wrapped…😆😆…i love the purple things coming out in all directions (sorry, this phone won’t let me see the post again without losing the comment!) and, of course, Zinnias!


  7. I only know purple queen as a house plant. Lovely arrangement yet again!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Cathy says:

    Those purple leaves you have used are gorgeous and make the arrangement really come alive. Love the zinnias etc too and the vase is just right. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  9. tonytomeo says:

    Setreasea pallida is also a Tradescantia. (I had to look it up.) That is a cool one. The species that naturalizes here is not very pretty, and gets ugly if frosted.


  10. Chloris says:

    I thought it looked like tradescantia, it is a job to keep up with name changes. Whatever it is, it goes very well with the daisies, I love the colour combination too; very stylish.


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