In a Vase on Monday – Holiday Bus Again


Here’s my favorite holiday tin again. Several years ago a client of my husband brought this from the UK, filled with Scottish Biscuits (shortbread cookies in US speak). The cookies were divine (and didn’t last very long). I am a lover of tins and used it IAVOM twice before during the holidays. This year it is crammed full of red, green and white flowers and foliage, having some perspective on my garden and many others through blogging I realized how downright odd it is to have red and green foliage to cut for Christmas decorations. And I haven’t  done the wreath yet.

A closer view:


The big white flowers are Bridal Bouquet Frangipani (Plumeria pudica), smaller white flowers and bigger foliage is from Sweet Begonia (Begonia odorata); white and red spikes are from Tropical Red Salvia (Salvia coccinea); the red spikes on the sides are Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans), red berries are from Brazilian Pepper (Schinus terebenthifolia) – a dreadful weed.

Below is a better image of the red and green foliage – at the right end a Martin Bromeliad (Neoregelia Martin) leaf, the middle has foliage from Mammey Croton (Codieum varigata ‘Mammey’)


Here is the tin from 2016:20161211_102634-1

And  the original tin/ vase from 2015.


Hmm,  which is your favorite.? 2016 has one of my favorite plants, the Parrotflower (Heliconia psittacorum)  – I like the Flapjack Kalanchoes in 2015 (grey foliage). I may combine all the plants next year into a 2020 mash up.

For more vases on Monday, visit our hostess, Cathy at

Happy Holidays!

25 comments on “In a Vase on Monday – Holiday Bus Again

  1. Love the one you’re with Queen. They are all lovely. Happy Holidays.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. the running wave says:

    That bus is positively glowing with Christmas colour! I love all three tins, and especially the first one from 2015. They are really great! I love tins too by the way. I can always find something to ut in a new tin! Amanda

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kris P says:

    I think you outdid yourself with this year’s bus display, Amelia! It’s exuberant and utterly wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cathy says:

    What a glorious bus (again!), Amelia. It’s a close call between this one and 2016’s…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. They are all different enough to like them all.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. AlisonC says:

    Gorgeous tin and gorgeous flowers. I am a fan of Shortbread. I like the red and white look.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Eliza Waters says:

    I love the tin, it makes a perfect holiday container. My favorite is the current year with all the splashes of red, green and white, although 2016 is a close second. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Noelle says:

    How original to use a tin as a vase…and to have this each year with different flowers. I couldn’t choose which one is best, that would be like asking me what my favourite biscuit is. Fabulous plants and arrangement to decorate your home for Christmas. May Peace and Blessings come your way.


  9. Excellent
    Parrot flower for me


  10. Cathy says:

    I love that tin! This year’s seems even more festive with the shiny reds and greens, but they are all fantastic holiday displays!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. pbmgarden says:

    The special tin makes a great container to hold your Christmas celebration. The latest one is my favorite, great balance and color.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. tonytomeo says:

    2019. This year. That’s my favorite . . . if it i necessary to choose. I think I would prefer to not know that the red berries are from Brazilian pepper. The buss from 2016 looks familiar, as if it was posted last year.


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