In A Vase on Monday – Tropical Elegance


It is difficult to pinpoint what makes me think of these flowers as elegant. The long lines of the buds and stamens; the clear orange red color of the flowers in contrast to the simple heart shapes of the dark green foliage? I am not sure, so I arranged them simply in a brown pottery vase with Muscadine twigs.

Pretty simple. The vase I bought at our local charity shop.Something I am sure someone’s mother or aunt made and the ability to appreciate such things was lost in time or translation. My next comment was edited; as so, so many people don’t appreciate things made with our hands and hearts.


The plants in this vase are very simple, Clerodendrum speciosum, Java Glorybower, in red orange flowers and Vitis rotundifolia, in twigs.


It is what it is. Flowers and twigs. Simple and, hopefully, elegant.

On the butterfly front, here is another newborn:


This is a Swallowtail, who grew up in my Parsley and hopefully flew away.

26 comments on “In A Vase on Monday – Tropical Elegance

  1. tonytomeo says:

    None of the above can be found here, although I intend to grow muscadines. Not being able to identify them makes them intriguing.


  2. Christina says:

    I think they’re elegant; I love the vase, so fat and squat and solid, gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Chloris says:

    Wow, that Clerodendron speciosum is gorgeous and perfect with the twigs in the brown vase. Yes, very elegant. And lucky you having swallowtail butterflies.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I always find the colors of the flowers interesting. Your tropicals are such hot colors and all the vases from farther north are much cooler. Every Monday is a trip around the world in flowers.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your first photo made me think ‘Lady in Red’ but in the subsequent pics your flowers look more orange. I am in a musical vein this week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Elegant and dramatic! There is even a fireworks vibe going there too! Lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Peter Herpst says:

    Simply elegant. The Clerodendrum clan certainly has a lot of stunning family members. Isn’t it interesting (sad) how sentiment for things seems to be waning? Perhaps because so much is disposable and so many things are available?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love your elegant flowers and that beautiful vase…..I am still hoping I see some wonderful caterpillars on the herbs…..I do so miss seeing any butterflies. But we are in for a hot dry time so they might reappear.

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  9. Eliza Waters says:

    The pistils/stamens do give it an elegant look. I like simplicity in arrangements, it is calming, even if it is a warm color. Passionate simplicity? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Kris P says:

    It’s the graceful stamens that make the flowers elegant I think. The twigs add to the appeal. You’re doing exceptionally well in the butterfly department!


  11. pbmgarden says:

    Oh that’s lovely. The shape of your design, the color, texture—all wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Aha! (Student raises her hand for teacher’s attention.) That arrangement works because the flowers are in that particular rounded vase. Do I get marks for that clever reply?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Clever reply, and I hadn’t considered that. I had another comment along those lines. I thought the dark brown would show off the colors and the flowers have short stems! Sticks were for balance and color repetition with vase.

      Liked by 1 person

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