Six on Saturday – Some Rescues


Every Saturday The Propagator (click on link) invites us to share six items of interest from our gardens. Hurricane Dorian passed within 100 miles of my garden this week and we came through the storm unscathed. Physically, unscathed – mentally I was scathed. I did bring a few things inside before the winds howled by. Above, Papayas nearly ripe on the tree. I picked the Papayas and left them on the counter to ripen.


This is a fungus on a Norfolk Island Pine stump, the tree was removed because they tend to topple in high winds.


A Gulf Fritillary butterfly on potted Zinnias.


New growth on a Miniature Pineapple.


Flower of a Neoregelia Bromeliad.


The Cattleya Orchids flowered. Thinking the flowers were too delicate for the winds, I cut them and brought them inside. They grow right outside my Living Room window and I usually leave them as they last longer on the plant.

Happy Gardening on Saturday!

19 comments on “Six on Saturday – Some Rescues

  1. So happy to hear your garden was unscathed! Hope this is a relaxing weekend for you.


  2. So pleased you came through unscathed, another terrible natural disaster. 😦 But your six didn’t leave me sad for long! Fabulous, loved each and everyone, beautiful photos 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad you and your garden made it. It is very emotional not knowing what will happen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, me, too. Your comment made me realize I am emotionally exhausted – like someone has been in the hospital or something like that.

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      • Yup. It is just as hard on your body. Uses a lot of energy. Take a break and count your blessings.
        I had just gotten out of the hospital before Harvey. I was so thankful our house was not flooded. Houses down the street were. I managed to help out doing laundry for people, as I could rest between loads, but of course I did not have the energy to clean out houses.

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  4. 100 miles is too close. I am pleased you and your garden escaped. It must have been so frightening. I love all your exotics .

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Noelle says:

    So pleased there is no damage to the garden…love your selection this week. Those white cattleyas are superb.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. tonytomeo says:

    How sad that trees must be removed because hurricanes sometimes happen. There are many plants that do not grow in particular regions, but we do not often consider those that are happy to grow but must be removed for wind.

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