Six on Saturday – Odds and Ends

I had another Papaya for breakfast this morning. Several people commented about the size the Papaya tree attained in six years. Not sure everyone realized what a weird thing it is. It may be 20 feet tall, I am not sure. The tree in the background is a Thai Dessert Mango (Nam Doc Mai) it is about 10 feet tall.

I am told it is okay to chop the trunk of the Papaya off and it will grow another set of leaves and the fruit will be easier to reach. I am going to give this a try after the fruit is gone. The last crop of fruit was pulling the tree over with its weight.

The Mangoes are flowering and setting fruit. This is a Glenn Mango flower.

The fruit setting on the Glenn Mango.

The Bromeliads are making pups. November through March is the optimum time to move them around. This is a Little Harv Aechmea. It is so sharp I am moving them to a place where I won’t walk by and get stabbed.

My first Atala Butterfly sighting this year. These butterflies appear in January and June. He or she was scouting my Coontie Cycads, their favorite host plant. Still looking for the eggs.

Gardening experiment number bazillion. I find the tiny seed starting trays too fiddly and decided to cut water bottles in half for pots. This has worked well, making mini greenhouses. I have Calendula, Basil, Spinach and Cilantro in these. I can cut the bottles to get the seedlings out and then recycle.

That’s my Six for this Saturday. Check out for more fun from other gardeners.

Happy Gardening.

27 comments on “Six on Saturday – Odds and Ends

  1. fredgardener says:

    Thank you for sharing the flowers of the mango tree… I didn’t know. Here, mango trees are only house plants. Those I saw were in Cairo, full of tasty mangoes !
    Good idea of having used water bottles as recycled pots. What are you doing with the upper part? some cloche to keep moisture for a time?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, I have never seen a papaya tree! I Love they way they flower, very beautiful! Great idea for the water bottles too!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Do you wait for the papayas to fall? My neighbor that had one was not that tall and of course it froze.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Eliza Waters says:

    Papaya and mangoes, so yummy, and very sweet that they are homegrown. Love your little mini-greenhouses, brilliant idea. And the butterfly is so pretty – flying flowers for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Roguegarden says:

    Wow. The papaya is truly a giant, and I can easily imagine the difficulties with harvesting at that height. I have never seen mango flowers, so thank you for sharing those.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. tonytomeo says:

    That papaya tree really is weird. I do not believe that I have ever seen one so tall. They are mostly in greenhouses here. It used to annoy me that people would plant them just inside the doorway on the north side of a greenhouse where we grew other horticultural crops, but they really do not take up much space. I would like to try one in a spot that does not get too cool outside, although I do not expect good results. I think that if it were possible to grow them outside here, they would be more common in home gardens. Mangoes would be easier. I have seen them in Los Angeles, in situations that get almost as cool as here.

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    • tonytomeo says:

      (Of course, I would give the fruit away after bragging about growing it.)

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    • I think it is weird, too and think it will probably blow over if I don’t cut it off. Try a Pickering Mango, it is a dwarf you can grow in a pot and bears fruit after a couple of years.

      Liked by 1 person

      • tonytomeo says:

        When I get around to growing one, it will likely be what is given to me by those who start the seedlings. I do not know what they are. Why does ‘Pickering’ sound familiar? Is it a variety that I would have seen in the supermarket?

        Liked by 1 person

      • I have never seen one in the supermarket. It is well known for good fruit among Mango people.

        Liked by 1 person

      • tonytomeo says:

        Oh, of course. I am getting mango and papaya confused again. ‘Pickering’ sounds familiar because it is cultivar that is popular in Los Angeles. Mangoes are commonly grown from seed (I believe), but ‘Pickering’ is popular with those who purchase known cultivars from nurseries. It stays fluffy and low enough for an atrium of an apartment building. When I get around to trying papaya, it will be any random seedling I can find. I work with people who grow them from seed taken from fruit purchased in the market. I doubt it will survive for long in the garden anyway.


  7. Cathy says:

    It is interesting to see both your papaya tree and mango flowers. 😃 Pretty butterfly too.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Noelle M says:

    Sometimes the pawpaw trees grow several side branches after you chop it. I used to live in Mauritius as a child, there is nothing quite as sweet as a ripe pawpaw picked when the sun has warmed it.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pádraig says:

    Your bazillionth experiment is successful. Hurrah for that. Indeed its good to realise improvisation is the mother of invention.

    Liked by 1 person

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