Nom de Plume-Brazilian Plume

Brazilian Plume

Brazilian Plume – Justicia carnea

The truth is, I guess I have a Nom de Plume, not relative to how recently I learned to spell the word. I am, after all, from Tucker, Georgia, USA, and for the most part we do not speak French. Or Italian, for that matter. I foolishly took Italian in college, not realizing that my Southern accent would render it, for me, near impossible to trill R’s. Think Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind.. With an Italian accent, if you are not laughing now, you should be. Maybe not, Vivien Leigh was indeed English and I don’t really sound like that, at all. Fortunately, my mother did, kind of. Italians just laughed at me and said “we do not understand your southern dialetto” or something like that. Eventually I successfully ordered a glass of white wine.

Brazilian Plume

Brazilian Plume

My Nom de Plume is The Shrub Queen, but today I am writing about a different plume, one in my garden, The Brazilian Plume, nope, not the wax, not the butt, the plant. I had seen these on the internet and was in search of one. Living in South Florida and the time was winter (All the disposable income in North America is Here) I found one at a garden show a bit north of here and grabbed it.

As these things sometimes go, I left it in the yard, for a while, sporadically watering it..hmm, hmm, hmm, then noticed it had a really, really terrible case of scale and whitefly (i.e. nearly dead) Well, that just wouldn’t do, so I cut it back, treated it, and miraculously cured it. After spending a month in the Garden ICU, the Plume is ready to go in the garden. These supposedly grow to be 7 feet tall and wide. I think that is a little more than 2 meters for metric users. I just need to decide where to put it.

Here are the other things blooming in the garden:

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We have a bit of fragrance going now and while I am enjoying the Florida Gardenia, it is about 10 feet tall and is never so covered in flowers the smell knocks you over – I am glad the romantic sounding Arabian Jasmine is a fair distance away, it’s like that guy you know who uses so much aftershave he can’t tell it is too much anymore.

The Blue Plumbago is the Hydrangea of the tropics and so much easier to grow. That Hibiscus is an old fashioned variety planted by my neighbor’s grandmother on the edge of the property. If I knew what it was I would search for another.

19 comments on “Nom de Plume-Brazilian Plume

  1. Chloris says:

    Lovely exotic plants. All pampered house plants here. How wonderful to be able to grow them outside. I love the Justicia carnea, I’ m putting my hands over my ears as you talk about Brazilian Plumes because I don’ t want to clutter up my head with nicknames. Some of the proper names might fall out.
    Do you really talk like Scarlett O’ hara? Wow.
    And is your real name a secret?


  2. Chloris says:

    Well Amy, it is my Nom de Plume, but I don’ t think the Pianist ever calls himself Zephyros. I don’ t think he realises that he is supposed to be the God of the West Wind.


  3. mattb325 says:

    Love the blooms in your garden right now! So many of these used to grow well in coastal Sydney. Hibiscus is really easy to grow from 8″ cuttings; May – July is the best time, but I think they should still work well for you…I had to laugh at the preceding conversation 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you are laughing. I need to go to Sydney someday – it sounds intriguing. The Hibiscus, while really popular here, needs more acidic, volcanic (i guess) soil, They suffer in the high Ph sand and need special Hibiscus (yes) fertilizer. That is why I like that red one – I think it has been in my front yard for 40 or 50 years, no irrigation, no special fertilizer. No idea what it is, either. Guess I should try cuttings, like right now??

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Your flowers look great. I have seen the Brazilian Plume here, but I doubt they can make it through a hard freeze. I discovered that Hibiscus are easy to root, which gave me more than I wanted. I have to haul them inside in the winter. I root them in a self-watering pot that keeps the cuttings really moist.


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