Six on Saturday – The Year of the Dragon

Welcome to The Year of the Dragon. Chinese New Year is today and what will the Dragon bring to my garden? Above, in celebration of this event I have shared a piece of art created by two local ladies who are responsible for the creation of, A Facebook page dedicated to raising awareness and getting rid of garbage on the beach by creating and sharing art they make from their finds.

I went looking in my garden this morning to find six new possibilities for the Dragon. Fruits and flowers are budding and sprouting, it’s looking promising for the New Year! To tour other garden possibilities, visit the host of this weekly meme, Jim, at his blog.

The Rangpur lime is flowering and has set fruit for next winter. I managed to collect enough fruit and made a pie with the juice and zest this week. We ate it!

Rangpur limes are considered sour oranges as it is a mandarin/lemon cross. So – in Old Florida this would be considered a sour orange pie.

The Mexican papayas I planted from seed last year are now five feet tall and setting buds. Upper right side of photo. Papayas are not true to seed and are either male, female or hermaphrodite. I planted two trees, the other one is looking male, so I hope this one will be female or hermaphrodite.

Zinnias or sunflowers sprouting. I haven’t planted anything in this bed for a couple of years, it was infested with nematodes and has been “lying fallow” to get rid of the buggers. Fingers crossed.

Ice plants, they used to be called Delosperma cooperii in latin. I think the botanists have changed the name again. There are two schools of thought about these growing in South Florida – yes and no. I found some very low priced plants and am trying them. They are looking good so far, August will be the true test.

Alligator Lilies (Hymenocallis latifolia) waiting to find a new home. They are a very pretty native lily, but they are difficult to site in the garden. They are looking for moist, well drained dappled sun and they only make foliage if not in their preferred location. I move them around sometimes, contemplating their next location.

‘Burgundy’ Aechmea bromeliad showing new spring color. These have finally found their happy place. And I don’t want to move them as they are sharp.

That is all from my garden this Saturday. Happy New Year!

14 comments on “Six on Saturday – The Year of the Dragon

  1. Noelle says:

    Instantly I recognised the Pawpaw which used to grow in my parents’ garden when I was a child.ā€‚The leaves are quite magnificent, and the flavour of the fruit a top favourite of course.ā€‚May one of your trees provide you with delicious fruit.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love Ice plants, we have several in our garden. Pink and yellow.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tracy says:

    Your pie looks delicious!ā€‚Mmmm.ā€‚I hope you get some papayas to enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Rosie Amber says:

    Roar! What a great dragon, but a shame that there is so much rubbish on the beaches of the world. The pie looks yummy!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. fredgardener says:

    That pie looks yummy !

    I love papaya trees. Unfortunately, mine grew and gave me 2 flowers but they never opened. The following winter the soil wasn’t dry enough… I lost them but I’m trying again!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Galveston had a display of of huge sculptures made from beach trash, but it was California trash. I guess we didn’t have enough. The lilies are interesting and it a wonder there ever is more lilies as fussy as they are.


  7. tonytomeo says:

    Fruited citrus trees were very popular for Chinese New Year. We sold all the Mandarin orange trees first. When they ran out, we sold all the fruited ‘Rangpur’ limes and kumquats. Then, lemons and oranges, and ultimately a few grapefruits.


  8. Cathy says:

    What a great selection this week Amelia! The dragon looks scary, not least because of what materials could be found on the beach. The pie looks delicious. Was the pie crust made by your husband?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Cathy. I think the dragon’s body is an old pair of pants. There are some strange things on the beach. I made the pie crust, it would look neater if my husband had made it, he is more patient with crusts.

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