Funky Florida Flora – Bossa Nova Bromeliad

Meet “Bossa Nova” Bromeliad. Bossa nova means new music in Portuguese and is a style of music that originated in Brazil in the late 1950s, a mixture of jazz and samba. “The Girl from Ipanema” is probably the most famous bossa nova tune, and a prodigious ear worm producer.

True Brazilians, these plants were brought to America from Brazil in 1988. This one does make me dance, just a little. It will grow in a full sun southern exposure in an area with great amounts of reflected light and no irrigation, a bit of a miracle in my world. I had not realized until last year these would grow in full sun, they had been sulking for a few years in full shade and were moved into the light during the proper season – fast approaching, November through March is bromeliad relocation time!

Botanically speaking these are Neoregelia “Bossa Nova”. A stoloniferous groundcover, they reach 12-18″ height and 24″ spread. Neoregelia bromeliads typically flower inside the cup and are planted for their foliage as the flowers are not particularly showy. It is reported to turn red around the cup before flowering. I have not noted this in my garden. Maybe this winter I will see some red coloration.

Sulking in the shade below:

Much happier in a sunnier place:

More funkiness to come! Happy Friday!

6 comments on “Funky Florida Flora – Bossa Nova Bromeliad

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Sun definitely agrees with it– Nice sharp margins!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anonymous says:

    Very attractive foliage, and if it makes you dance then it must be good! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. bittster says:

    Looking forward to seeing the new plantings!
    I moved my (one) neoregelia into some more sun and it also seems to like it. I wasn’t so sure it was ‘variegated Fireball’ but now it’s putting on the pink tints and it looks more likely. Next year it will get full sun right off the bat!
    It will be a shock fitting it back in the house, it’s grown a bit…

    Liked by 2 people

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