Six on Saturday – Hallelujah

Time for six pictures of what going on in my garden. I am joining in with gardeners from around the world on The Propagators blog, follow this link to see more posts THELINK

The Hallelujah Billbergia Bromeliad has finally bloomed. Flowers and foliage don’t get much crazier than this one:


Here is another Bromeliad flower, I think of these as the tropical version of tulips. Meet Quesnelia testudo, this one has very sharp foliage and one of  the hardiest of  the Bromeliads, surviving 25 degrees (F).


Another Bromeliad, an unnamed Guzmania in full flower.


The seedling of a Strangler Fig (Ficus aurea) growing in my Tiki. I need  to take  this out soon.


A bud of yet another Bromeliad, ‘Little Harv’ Aechmea. These are yellow and pink when in full flower.


My Leonitis flower, I am very pleased about this one I started it from seed last year and it has straight stocky stems. The plants from last year were curved and languished on the ground when flowering.


That’s my six this very windy day. The wind has been howling since yesterday morning. It is a north wind so gusty it blew the Papayas off the tree and the cushions off the chairs on the screen porch. No gardening today for me.

20 comments on “Six on Saturday – Hallelujah

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    I hope your papaya was salvageable. Such a shame to lose it. Love the Leonitis!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the hot tropical colors. That is really windy to blow your cushions. We have been having “cold” nights, but calm weather.


  3. Thanks, the wind has been a bit much,,glad it is calm there.


  4. I am reading a fabulous book about fig trees

    Liked by 1 person

  5. tonytomeo says:

    That Billbergia is rad! My Billbergia nutans grows like a weed, but needs to be divided occasionally to continue to bloom reliably. I like it because it is familiar. I like yours because it is unfamiliar.


  6. Linda Casper says:

    Wow! How exotic.


  7. cavershamjj says:

    A very colourful six! I bet your chippings compost down fast in your conditions. Mine might take a year or more…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. janesmudgeegarden says:

    What a mad, flamboyant six you have presented here. I like the Hallelujah bromeliad which for some reason makes me think of a rooster with its comb! I wonder where you are that you can grow such tropical plants.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Chloris says:

    I love your Hallelujah Billbergia bromeliad, it looks as if it was designed by an artist after ingesting illegal substances. Well done on growing that perfect leonitis from seed.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lora Hughes says:

    So many exotic flowers! What a treat to read your 6 this week. Had to look up strangler, having not heard of it & wondering why it had such a horrid name. It’s known for its deeds, it would seem.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Six gorgeous flowers! I think that Hallelujah is aptly named too.


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