Six on Saturday – Orchids and Butterflies


The Cattleya Orchids are flowering again in my garden. My neighbor gave me these, she calls them “The Boner”, not sure I want to know why.

Below are the buds of a Ground Orchid (Spathoglottis ‘Cabernet’)

I am beginning to associate fall with Orchids, which seems weird.


Here is a little fruit in honor of fall, from the Spicewood (Calyptranthes pallens).



A little more fruit, this is for me – Papayas.


I was excited to find caterpillars of the Cloudless Sulphur butterfly on this Senna ligustrina, planted to attract Sulphur butterflies.


My funky iron leaves, reinstalled after taking them down prior to Hurricane Dorian’s near miss.


Happy Six on Saturday, for more posts, go to The Propagators blog. Here’s the link -

11 comments on “Six on Saturday – Orchids and Butterflies

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Most of the orchids grown up north in greenhouses bloom in fall/winter, so it makes sense to me that you associate them with autumn. Your papaya looks promising and that caterpillar looks huge, but that could be a trick of the eye. It certainly is one you wouldn’t miss, dressed in bright yellow as it is.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That caterpillar is crazy beautiful. Great iron leaves.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those iron leaves are a funky color, they look dead. Orchids outside sound great. I tried some ground orchids, but they didn’t last of long.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. cavershamjj says:

    Boner! Made me laugh out loud on my commute. Not the done thing here. I skimmed past your final picture then went back for another look, thinking wow, those look very striking, must find out what plant that is. Oh. A sculpture, I see!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. tonytomeo says:

    Sorry I missed it last week. I don’t think it is weird to associate autumn with orchids . . . in your climate. I mean, it is not the weirdest thing that happens there. Those leaves in the last picture for example; they look nothing like Aspidistra elatior. Spicewood is another that I am not familiar with.


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