In A Vase on Monday – It’s A Dilly


It’s a Dilly, is that an American phrase? As far as I know, Dilly translates into it’s remarkable, notable or wonderful. Sources on the Internet say this is Canadian or American slang. Vasers will tell.

This vase is all about my herbs, I am mourning the impending passing of my Dill plant (this plant has been wonderful) this week. I love fresh Dill with salads, fish, tomato cucumber salad and on and on It has been flowering for at least a month, I keep cutting the flowers hoping for more foliage to eat – alas to no avail. So, I decided to cut most of the flowers for a vase. Some wasps seem to like the flowers as well – I left those guys alone. I hope the wasps inspire more edible Dill.

The Heliconias (Heliconia psittacorus) nearby suffered from something so I cut back and fertilized them a week or two ago. The plants are responding nicely and their flowers have joined the Dill. Sweet Begonias (Begonia odorata “Alba”) in white are flowering again and joined the dirge as well as an unnamed Bromeliad with nice red foliage and some big Ferns that popped up in the garden, again no idea what the ferns are. The red flowers are the native Turk’s Cap Hibiscus (Hibiscus malvaviscus pendiflorus)that rewards me with flowers with the least bit of attention. I watered them!

The vase is a gift from my dearly departed older brother. Always a bittersweet reminder of that makes me miss him. Though I am certain he would be happy I am using the vase and thinking of him.

Here is a close up:


It’s a Dilly!


23 comments on “In A Vase on Monday – It’s A Dilly

  1. Love it! Does the dill smell at all inside the house?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cathy says:

    No, definitely not a word used in the UK! I love this tall slender vase of yours and the varied shapes and textures of the equally tall contents. Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You do appreciate keepsake vases from loved ones, which is so heartwarming, Amy.
    The stamens (?) inside the red flower look like tiny bananas in that photo, no?


    • Indeed, Cynthia – I love my vases. Thank you. The Heliconias do look like bananas- oddly enough, many Heliconias have passed my shears and this has never occurred to me. I love it, thanks for the insight.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kris P says:

    I’ve been led to understand that, once sown, you can never get rid of dill so I’m sure it will be back bigger and better than ever. It makes a nice arrangement and makes me think I need to add dill somewhere in my own garden. My favorite element in this week’s vase may be the delicate begonia flowers – they’re perfect dripping over the side of the vase.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Chloris says:

    What a beautifully elegant arrangement. I love the yellow dill flowers, they are so dainty. There is no such word here as ‘ dilly’ but there should be, it’ s a nice word.
    I love your brother’ s vase, how great to use it and remember him.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. pbmgarden says:

    Beautiful arrangement, made more special by the special memories connected to the vase.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Cathy says:

    I love your vase and the use of dill – I have never heard of dilly before either. The Begonias are so pretty draped over the edge of the vase. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I immediately started thinking lavender’s blue dilly dilly/ lavender’s green… then dilly dallying, a dilly of a pickle, a storm, and idea…. I think it means exceptional or unusual so yes, your vase is truly a dilly! Funny to realize that it’s only an American expression. Granted, I haven’t used it for decades maybe, or even heard it much used, but it’s so much fun I think it should come back into style! Well done on your vase – it’s dillytful!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. G.F. says:

    Hiya Shrubqueen,
    this is jolanda – a ‘vaser’ 😉

    Thank you for your kind comment. That begonia looks so exotic, I thought it as a smal flowered orchid. And a sweet scent as well, you say. I will try to find tht one over here.
    Great arrangements.
    See you next week.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am with you on the dill… one of my favourite herbs that I had growing in a windowbox all summer and which I miss sorely at this time of year. But I saved some seeds and am looking forward to sowing them soon. It looks so pretty in your vase here. I also love the little bananas!

    Liked by 1 person

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