The Remains of the Day

I am thinking that the above was a movie title. Seems I didn’t care for it. So, we are currently experiencing the remains of what was once Hurricane Erika. The Hurricane from last week, Danny fizzled out, Erika was a Hurricane for a short period of time; forecast to hit the East coast of Florida (me) two days later it was going to hit the West coast of Florida (not me) then the entire state was going to be hit by a tropical storm and then Erika graciously dissapated and sent the mess north. As the farmers from Texas would say ‘it’s raining like a cow peeing on a flat rock’

Adding to the sayings (cliches) when I first looked outside this morning, the sky was red – as in Red Sky in Morning Sailor’s Take Warning. My actually green Cabbage Palm looked red..reflection from the sky.

Apocalyptic Palm Tree

Apocalyptic Palm Tree

No gardening for me this Sunday, so I decided to bake Cocktail Nibbles, as it was too early for cocktails.

Cheese Puffs under Construction

Cheese Puffs under Construction

These nibbles are a great old Southern recipe I got from an former client’s grandmother who was 104 at the time. She claimed she had lived so long because she never watched the news. If she ate these all day long there must be something to that claim! Simple, but divine.

Cheese Puffs:

1 stick room temperature unsalted butter

8 0z. Shredded Sharp Cheddar (Shred it yourself!)

1 cup All Purpose Flour

1/4 tsp. Cayenne Pepper

1/2 tsp. Kosher Salt

Pecan Halves

Mix ingredients at Room temperature until a dough is formed. Roll into 1″ balls and flatten, top with a Pecan half. Bake at 350 degrees (F) for about 15 minutes until brown around the edges. Cool and store in an airtight container. Get a glass of wine.

Cocktail Nibbles

Cocktail Nibbles

Have a glass of wine and think about how the aquifer is being recharged by the 3 inches of rain that is falling this hour, or maybe the nutgrass you should pull out of the front bed.

Perhaps I should mention the Atlantic Hurricane season peaks on September 10th. I am somewhat fascinated by the coastal weather and keep an eye on it. I’ll check. Oh, good, Hurricane Fred has formed in the Cape Verde Islands. Supposedly going out to sea. Maybe I need another glass of wine.

6 comments on “The Remains of the Day

  1. mattb325 says:

    A cold glass of wine makes any approaching storm much more bearable 🙂 Those cheese puffs look very tasty!


  2. They are! and I am not thinking about fat grams. Maybe the not reading the news concept is a good idea?


  3. Chloris says:

    I’ m glad Erica fizzled out before she could hit you too badly, as she did the poor people in Dominica. Hurricanes must be terrifying. We don’ t have hurricanes but we have had a wet week. What an amazing light to make your palm tree glow red like that.
    Those cheese puffs look wonderful, oh dear, I mustn’ t look at them, I’ m on a diet.


  4. I was wondering if the hurricane would come your way. It is always good to have some rain. The cheese puffs look yummy!


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